Paul Bobbee was born and raised on a family farm that established in 1898 which grew cereals, pulses, forage and Industrial Hemp. Attended the University of Manitoba Diploma of Agriculture. Worked as a Seed and Crop inspector for 7 years with the CFIA(Canadian Food Inspection Agency). Triple “B” Seeds was built in 1985 as a custom seed cleaning operation to clean all grains and forages. In 1999 Midlake Specialty Food Products Inc. was established to process Industrial Hemp as one of the first processing plants in Canada. At the present, we have three food processing facilities that Dehulls Hempseed, Oil and Protein Powders as a final product for human consumption. Currently, we are working with two companies. Hemp Production Services Inc. that supplies us the raw hempseed and Hemp Genetics International who are the plant breeders of new varieties of Hempseed that are introduced to all parts of the world.
Dr. Harlin is currently Director of R&D at Penta5 USA in Sarasota, Florida. Harlin is holder of several patents for non-deet, safe and effective mosquito repellents and Zone mosquito control, non-chemical sunscreens, and toxin-free insecticides. Current projects include preliminary testing of collagen wound healing for patients with severe diabetes, and H2 and CBD infused water. Many of these patents and projects include the use of Hemp and Hemp derivatives. Harlin has more than 35 years of academic experience as a full-Professor, Department Chair and held the Rich Endowed Chair in Earth Science at Northern Illinois University before retiring as Professor and Research Director at Florida Atlantic University. Harlin has authored scores of Books and Research articles and was principal investigator for more than $4 million in grants including more than $1 million with the National Science Foundation.
Scott Boylston is co-author, graduate coordinator, and professor of the graduate program in Design for Sustainability at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). He’s the author of three books and has published essays in design journals such as Print Magazine, Communication Arts, Core 77, Design Observer, and Sustainable Brands, and short stories in highly acclaimed literary journals. He is presently writing a book on design, systems thinking, and social innovation. Scott is president of Emergent Structures, an award winning non-profit organization committed to repurposing construction and demolition waste into innovative, community-based resources. He is on the Advisory Council of the Winterhouse Institute, past member of the state board of directors for USGBC-Georgia, and past member of the Governing Council of the National Academy of Environmental Design. He speaks internationally on design and sustainability.
Howard-Yana Shapiro, PhD, Chief Agricultural Officer Mars Advanced Research Institute Fellow Mars, Incorporated Senior Fellow College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences University of California, Davis Science Advisor MIT Media Lab Distinguished Fellow World Agroforestry Centre Shapiro led the global effort sequencing, assembling and annotating the Theobroma cacao genome. He served the World Bank as one of the lead authors of the Mid-Term Review of the Consultative Group on International Agriculture. Shapiro founded the African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC) and the African Plant Breeding Academy (AfPBA) in 2012. The effort will sequence, assemble and annotate 101 key food cultivars, which are the backbone of African food systems, Improving nutrition, yield, climate resilience, pest and disease resistance. In 2017, he launched the Foldit Aflatoxin Puzzle.
Brad Jaffe leads Corporate Affairs for Mars’ North American Pet Nutrition business. He serves as the Corporate Affairs lead across all U.S. segments for Mars, Inc. and, as a member of the Global Petcare Corporate Affairs Leadership Team, creates strategies to drive the company’s purpose of making A Better World for Pets™. Brad first joined Mars in Singapore, where he served as VP of Corporate Affairs for the Asia Pacific Petcare, Mutisales, and Chocolate businesses. Balancing govt. relations and corporate reputation management, he worked with his team to drive the development of the region’s petcare industry and protect the reputation of the human food industry, demonstrating how responsibly-minded companies can be part of mutual solutions to societal issues. Brad began his career in U.S. politics, led issues and crisis management for Weber Shandwick and Edelman, and also ran his own consultancy, Skelly & Monroe, leading campaigns for food, agriculture, forestry, and mining companies.
Tilahun has 13 years of professional work experience in international humanitarian and development organizations, including the United Nations World Food Program, various academic institutions, and government agencies. He joined Oxfam America in March 2017 and is currently working at Oxfam in Ethiopia as an R4 Program Officer, where he is responsible for program implementation and management. At the United Nations World Food Program, Tilahun worked in the Ethiopia Country Office as Program Associate for Disaster Risk Management projects (DRM), including R4, from January 2016 to mid-March 2017. Prior to this, Tilahun worked in World Vision International Ethiopia from June 2007 to 2015 in the humanitarian division as the national Early Warning Coordinator and Early Warning Officer. Tilahun has Bachelor's Degrees in Agriculture (specialized in Plant Sciences) and in Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development.
Sri Malladi is the Founder and CEO of AgriRain LLC. Sri has been in the irrigation industry for over 8 years. As a Director of Business Development, he was involved in generating business in emerging markets. His experience in Strategy and Marketing helped navigate through the complex markets in India and was the first to introduce Custom Hire Irrigation Centers in Rwanda. He has experience in managing dealers in developed nations and has in depth understanding of large irrigation projects. He has experience in technology and was developing Sales and IoT tools for irrigation companies. Prior to working in Irrigation Industry Sri has over 12 years of experience in IT Consulting, Corporate Strategy, Business Process Improvement and managing large enterprise projects. Sri graduated with a B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from the Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, India, MS in Physics from Alabama A&M University in Huntsville and MBA from University of Nebraska, Omaha.
Rahul Reddy Wdaru is the co founder and chief executive officer of an early stage agritech startup called Virtual Agri Services. Having received undergraduate degree in business management and a masters in marketing and consulting from Middlesex University,London, Rahul went on to work in the development sector to strengthen the grassroots of India. During this time, Rahul worked with handloom clusters, provided development consultancy to members of Parliament to develop their constituencies before moving on to co found VAS.
Chris White joined Atmocean in 2009 and in 2014 came on full time as project manager and currently acts as COO. Atmocean is a wave energy start-up aimed to take ocean waves and generate desalinated fresh water in order to grow sustainable land based aquaculture and food crops in coastal deserts. Chris is excited to have accepted this position as he believes Atmocean's technology to be the most cost effective, environmentally friendly, and globally applicable solution to the age old question of how best to harness ocean waves. Mr. White earned a MS from the University of Amsterdam in Oceanography and Limnology with a minor of business in science. Working with Unilever in Amsterdam to reduce food waste in supply chains, to finding ways to generate sustainable fish feed in aquaculture, White continually works toward using science to realize efficient and sustainable living practices.